Configure Google Analytics Tracking in Recruiting

The Recruiting solution can use Google Analytics to track how candidates interact with your organization's job boards.

This feature helps you monitor which opportunities are generating the most interest and understand if your visitors are first timers or someone who has already applied to a job.

To use this feature, you will need to sign up for a Google Analytics account and obtain a tracking ID from Google.

Navigation: Settings > Integrations

  1. Expand the Google Analytics section, then set Enable Google Analytics Tracking to On.

    The Google Analytics section of the Settings > Integrations page is expanded. The box for the new Google Analytics Tracking ID is highlighted in pink. The box for the old Universal Analytics Tracking ID, which is grayed out, is highlighted in blue. An information box reads "Per Google's announcement, 'On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer process data. You'll be able to see your Universal Analytics reports for a period of time after July 1, 2023. However, new data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties.'" In this text box, Universal Analytics is highlighted in blue and Google Analytics in 4 is highlighted in pink to match the called out boxes on the screen shot.

  2. In Google Analytics Tracking ID, enter the GA4 ID provided by Google.


    The Universal Analytics Tracking ID is still displayed for your reference but cannot be changed.

  3. Select Save Google Analytics Settings.
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