Configure Move Reasons and Close Reasons for Recruiting Processes

Recruiters and hiring managers can specify a reason for moving a candidate between recruiting steps, or when closing an Opportunity. Recruiting Administrators configure the list of available reasons.

A Move Reason indicates why a candidate was hired or declined. For example:

If you change a Move Reason that has already been used for a candidate, that candidate’s Presence continues to show the old Move Reason. When you move them to a different Recruiting Process step and specify a different Move Reason, the candidate's Presence updates to show the new Move Reason.

A Close Reason indicates why an Opportunity was closed. For example:

Move Reasons and Close Reasons cannot be deleted, but you can deactivate them. If needed, you can reactivate a Move Reason or Close Reason that has been deactivated.

Navigation: Settings > Recruiting Processes

  1. Expand the Move Reasons list.

    Move Reasons section in Recruiting Process settings

  2. Select Add a new move reason to add a new item to the list. Then enter the reason text for the new item.
  3. Add more reasons as needed, or edit the existing reasons:
    • To edit an existing reason, edit its label text.
    • To deactivate a reason, select its Deactivate link.
  4. When you have finished, select Save Move Reasons.
  5. Expand the Close Reasons list.

    Close Reasons section in Recruiting Process settings

  6. Select Add a new close reason to add a new item to the list. Then enter the reason text for the new item.
  7. Add more reasons as needed, or edit the existing reasons:
    • To edit an existing reason, edit its label text.
    • To deactivate a reason, select its Deactivate link.
  8. When you have finished, select Save Close Reasons.
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