Role Types and Responsibilities

There are three role types available for Recruiting: Recruiting Administrator, Recruiter, and Hiring Manager.

The following table provides the specific viewing rights associated with each role type.

View Rights Recruiting Administrator Recruiter Hiring Manager
Dashboard   X X
People   X X
Opportunities   X X
Offers   X X
Reports X    
Question Library X    
Settings X    
What's New X    


Recruiting Administrators can further limit the rights of the Hiring Manager role in Settings > Hiring Manager Permissions. For more information, view the Hiring Manager Permissions help topic.

You must create a user role in UKG Pro for each role type, and provide each user role with web access rights to Recruiting. Then, assign the user role to users. For step-by-step instructions, view the Configure Recruiting Security Roles job aid in the Learning Center.

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