Merge Candidates

Sometimes, a Candidate has a duplicate record in the Recruiting solution.The Merge Candidates feature allows Recruiters (but not Hiring Managers) to merge duplicate candidate records, with some restrictions.


Merging candidates is not reversible.

What is supported:
What is not supported:

Recruiting Administrators can turn On the Candidate Merge feature in UKG Pro Recruiting > Settings > Candidate > Candidate Merge. When active, Recruiters can merge the records of two external candidates or an internal and external candidate.

UKG Pro Recruiting > People

  1. Locate the two candidates you want to merge.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the two candidate records to merge. You can merge two external candidates, or an external and internal candidate.

    A People search with two candidate selected with checkboxes, the More Actions drop-down expanded and the Merge Candidates action selected.

  3. Select More Actions > Merge Candidates. A pop-up window appears.
  4. Select the radio button next to the profile you wish to keep. Information from the unselected profile (applications, offers, and resumes for example) will be merged into the selected profile.

    The first pane of the pop up window asking you to select the profile you would like to keep using a radio button and requiring you to enter a note about the merge.


    The contact information from the profile you choose to keep (for example email, address, phone number) is the contact information that is retained in the merged candidate profile. Contact information from the profile you do not keep is removed from the merged profile. Documents, applications, offers and notes from both profiles are retained in the merged profile.

  5. Enter a note explaining the reason for the merge. This note will be visible from the Candidate Details > Notes page.
  6. Select Continue to continue to the next page.
  7. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand this action cannot be undone.

    The second step of the pop up windown, asking you to check the box to confirm you understand this action cannot be undone.

  8. Once you are certain you are merging the correct candidates, select Yes, Merge. The process may take a few seconds to a few minutes to complete. The Recruiting solution provides a notification, and the initial submission and success or failure status notes are available in Candidate Details > Notes when the process is complete.
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