Apply to an Opportunity (Candidates)

Candidates apply to opportunities using the Apply Now button on an opportunity.

Opportunity page on a Job Board. Image displays an Apply Now button to the right of the opportunity title.

If a consent policy is configured in Settings > Consent, candidates are asked to provide consent before creating an account.

Register page on a Job Board. Image displays a consent policy, a Consent button, and a Do Not Consent link.

Candidates are then asked to create an account.

Register page on a Job Board. Image displays the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password, and Primary Phone Number. It also displays a Register button.


The Primary Phone Number field can be configured to be optional or required, or not to display in Settings > Candidate > Registration.

Once signed in, candidates can complete their application.

Application Accountant. Image includes Upload Resume button, fields for Contact Information, Work Experience, Education, Skills, Behaviors, Motivations, License and Certifications, and Links, and an Upload a File button. Image also includes three standard questions: How did you hear about this opportunity, Were you referred by a current employee, and When can you start? Image also includes two screening questions configured during opportunity creation, and Submit and Cancel buttons.


Apply with LinkedIn

Candidates can also use their LinkedIn profile to auto populate information on their application and presence.

To apply using their LinkedIn profile, candidates should select Apply With LinkedIn on the opportunity.

To apply using their LinkedIn profile, candidates should select Apply With LinkedIn on the opportunity.

The Apply with LinkedIn feature must be enabled in Settings > Integrations > LinkedIn. For more information, view the Set Up the Apply With LinkedIn Integration help topic.

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