Use the Candidate Match Feature

The Candidate Match feature in Recruiting compares applications with an Opportunity, and assigns a Match score to each application so that you can easily see how well it matches the job criteria in the Opportunity.

View Match Scores in the Applicant List

An Opportunity's applicant list can display Candidate Match scores in a column for easy comparison and sorting. By default, the Match column is not displayed. To see match scores in the applicant list, you need to add the Match column to your view.

In the top right corner of the list of applicants, select the expand icon, then select Match.

Display Columns menu with Match column selected

When you activate the column, Recruiting remembers your column display preference, and displays the Match column each time you view an applicant list.

You can also Filter the Applicant List by Match Score.

Interpret Match Scores

The Candidate Match result is a score (0% - 100%) that indicates how well a candidate's application matches up with the selected Opportunity. It is not a relative score, and does not take other candidates' applications into account.


When evaluating match scores, consider applicants who have scored higher than others to be better matches. However, do not expect the score of your top applicants to always be in the 90%-100% range. In industries and positions where applicants and job descriptions provide less information, the average match score will be lower. The more you use the Candidate Match feature, the better you will understand the usual score range of your top applicants.

A candidate's overall match score is based on a weighted average of scores in four categories:

Select an applicant's Match value in the applicant list to view the individual scores for each category.

Match score and sub-score detail view


The overall score does not reflect a simple average of the sub-scores. The sub-scores are each weighted differently in the overall score calculation.

In calculating each of the sub-scores, the Candidate Match feature compares the candidate's application with the requirements of the Opportunity.

Best Practices for Optimizing Score Accuracy

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