Review Applications

Once candidates apply to an opportunity, you’ll need to review their applications. The Applicant List page displays all of the candidates that have applied to an opportunity.

To view the Applicant List page for an opportunity, select Opportunities. Then, select the number in the Applicants column for the opportunity you want to view.

Opportunities page. Image displays list of opportunities, with the columns: Title, Applicants, Recruiter, Status, and Last Updated. For the Customer Support Rep opportunity, the Applicant's column displays the number, one.

The Applicant List page can be configured to display the following:

Select the Down Arrows button to add or remove columns.

You can also filter the Applicant List by step, candidate type, applied by, applied date, applicant source, screening status, application question, willing to relocate, availability, employee referral, or Candidate Match score.

Applicant List page. Image displays the opportunity name, posted date, requisition number, and location. Below that is a search box and filters. Below that is a Disposition, Decline and More Actions button. Below that is a list of applicants, with the columns: Applicant Name, Step, Days in Step, Screening Status, Match, Applied Date, Rank, Employee Referral, FTE, and Actions.

From the Applicant List page, you can perform the following actions: 

Known Issue: Applicant List Does Not Show Applicant Source Information from Third-Party Integrations

When you view the applicant list of an Opportunity, the Applied Date column also indicates who initiated the application (Applied By), and the applicant Source.

The applicant list is a table with customizable columns. The source of each applicant is shown as secondary information in the Applied Date column.

This column is currently not displaying any Source information for applications that came from a third party integration. The Source appears blank for those applicants.

A future release will correct this issue. Until then, to find the applicant Source when it is not displayed in the Applicant List, you can:

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