UKG Community Member Guide

UKG Community Member Guide Overview

The UKG Community is where customers, partners, and U Krewers connect to grow, learn, and innovate. Everything you need to be successful with UKG solutions is in the UKG Community. Use this guide to get comfortable navigating all the resources and functionality offered so you can find what you need, when you need it.

Access and Registration

The UKG Community is open to visitors to search and browse a selection of public resources.

UKG customers and partners register and log in to access additional and personalized content and features, including expanded resources, groups, discussion, and training.

If you are a customer and would like to learn more about registration, review the Community Customer Self-Registration and Access job aid.

If you are a partner and would like to learn more about obtaining access, refer to the UKG Community Access for Partners job aid for instructions and insights. Alternatively, refer to the How to Contact Partner Support knowledge article for additional details.

Solution ID

You need your organization's seven-digit Solution ID to register for the UKG Community™.

If you do not know the Solution ID, reach out to one of the following from your organization:
  • Your manager
  • A UKG Administrator
  • IT Help Desk
  • Payroll Administrator
  • HR Administrator
  • A colleague who is a registered member

For information about locating a Solution ID as an active member, refer to the Locate Your Solution ID as a Registered Member section of this job aid.

Locate Your Solution ID as a Registered Member

As a registered member of the UKG Community, you can find your organization's Solution ID on the My Organization page in the UKG Community.

  1. From the top right corner of the UKG Community home page, select and open the profile menu.
  2. From the profile menu, select My Organization.
    The Profile menu drop-down with My Organization selected.
  3. On the My Organization page under Account information, you will find the Solution ID.

Register for the UKG Community

As an active customer, you can register for UKG Community access.

  1. From the UKG Community home page, select Register.
    Select Register on the homepage.
  2. From the registration page, enter your Solution ID.
  3. Select Validate.
    Register to the UKG Community with Solution ID.
  4. In the Profile Information section, enter your information. Required fields are marked with red.
    Note Be sure to use your work email address.
    Enter your profile information.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Select OK, and then wait until a message confirms that you have successfully registered.
    Note The confirmation message may take a couple of minutes to appear.
    You will receive a welcome email from The email includes a link to get you started, which will take you to a login page. Your username is your email, and you will need to create a password.

Request Additional Access in the UKG Community

When you register for the UKG Community you are granted self-service access. Self-Service access allows you to access community content and training and engage with other members in discussions, groups, and events. You can request additional access in the UKG Community, for example, to contact UKG Services and Support. You will be notified when changes are made.

  1. From the top right corner of the UKG Community home page, select and open the profile menu.
  2. From the profile menu, select My Organization.
    Select My Organization.
  3. Select Additional Access Request.
    Select Additional Access Request.
  4. From the Additional Access Request form, you will see three options available:
    • Case User: This access will grant you the ability to create support cases on behalf of your company.
    • Project User: This access will grant you the ability to manage projects, including fulfilling tasks assigned to you and seeing the progress of any projects being managed by UKG.
    • Service Request User: This access will grant you the ability to create requests for professional services type of work.
  5. Once you've selected the additional access you need, select Save.
    Your request is sent to your Organization's Support Administrator(s) for approval, and you will be notified by email whether your request was approved or rejected.

Respond to Additional Access Request

When a customer requests additional access in the UKG Community, it can be approved or rejected.

  1. From the UKG Community home page, select your profile menu in the top right-hand corner.
  2. From the profile menu, select My Organization.
  3. In the Additional Request for Approvals section, select the specific request.
    Additional Access Request for Approval section where you can select a request.
  4. From the request, select  Approve Additional Access Request  to approve or select  Reject Additional Access Request to reject.
    Additional Access Request section with options to approve or reject the additional access request.

Identify Your UKG Community Administrators

If you have a question about your UKG Community access, you can view a list of your company's administrators to easily identify the right person to ask.

  1. From the top right corner of the UKG Community home page, select and open the profile menu.
  2. From the profile menu, select My Organization.
    Select your username, and then select My Organization.
  3. From the My Organization page, select My Company Admins.
    Select My Company Admins.
    The Contacts page appears with a list of your organization's administrators.

Add a Support Administrator User

Every organization should have at least one Support Administrator or Focal Administrator User.

  1. If your organization has a Support Administrator User or a Focal Administrator User, they can edit a contact to Add Support Administrator User permissions. For more information on managing permissions, review the Create and Manage Community Contacts job aid.
  2. If your organization does not have a Support Administrator User or a Focal Administrator User, a registered user must submit a Support Case to be assigned the Support Administrator permissions. This registered user must be designated by your organization to manage user permissions.

Add Focal Administrators

Every organization should have at least one support administrator or focal administrator user.

  1. If your organization has a focal administrator user, they can create an admin case. If your organization does not have a focal administrator user, create a support case.
  2. Attach a letter to the admin case or support case. The letter must meet the following requirements:
    • The letter must use the organization letterhead.
    • The letter must be signed by an officer or C-level employee at your organization.
    • The letter must request that "said individual" be assigned as a focal administrator user.

The UKG Community Registration and Access Troubleshooting

Review the common troubleshooting tips regarding registration and access below.

  • The UKG Community says I'm registered on another account
    • You may register with only one Solution ID, but you can be associated with other Solution IDs. If you have multiple Solution IDs, open a case with Support and provide the Solution IDs that should be associated with your account.
  • I can't register for the UKG Community because I don't have a company email address
  • Every time I try to log into the UKG Community, it doesn't recognize my password
    • This issue is generally resolved with some basic browser modifications, including clearing cache and adding Trusted Sites.
  • When I try to create a new password, I get an error
    • Please remember that you must mix numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters. The password is required to have at least one number, one uppercase letter and one of the following characters: ! # $ % - _ = + < >

If you are still having an issue registering and accessing the UKG Community after following this guide, follow these instructions for help.

Manage UKG Community Contacts

Focal administrators and support administrators can update access for the active UKG Community contacts in their organization and reset passwords for selected contacts.

Navigation:The UKG Community

  1. From the UKG Community home page, select the profile menu > My Organization.
    The UKG Community home page with the profile menu selected. From the drop-down menu, My Organization is highlighted.
  2. From the My Organization page, select My Organization Contacts.
    The My Organization page with My Organization Contacts highlighted.
  3. From the Contacts page, for a user, select the down arrow icon and then select one of two options:
    • Edit
    • Reset Password
    The Contacts page with the down arrow icon highlighted for a user. The drop-down has two options: Edit and Reset password.
  4. If you chose Edit, from the Edit Contact window, in the Access Information section, select or deselect boxes for the different levels of access.
    Guest UserUsers who can access publicly available product documentation. No registration or log in is required to access this content.
    Self-Service User Users who have base access to the UKG Community, including the ability to search, ask questions, collaborate with other community members, and access content and learning material. This access is assigned by default when a user self-registers to the UKG Community.
    Case User Includes Self-Service User access, plus the ability to create cases and manage your own cases. If you select this checkbox, the Self-Service User checkbox is automatically selected after you save.
    Note Based on your account's access, Case Users may be restricted from submitting Payroll or Benefits cases.
    Service Request User Includes Self-Service User access, plus the ability to create and manage your own service requests. If you select this checkbox, the Self-Service User checkbox is automatically selected after you save.
    Project User (formerly known as Activation User in our Legacy Ultimate Community) Includes Self-Service User access, plus the ability to access the project console (for our Legacy Ultimate project users) and to the Launch application (for our UKG Pro, UKG Dimensions, and UKG Ready users).
    Case Administrator User Includes Self-Service User access and Case User access, plus the ability to view and manage all cases at your primary account or other accounts that you support. If you select this checkbox, the Case User and Self-Service User checkboxes are automatically selected after you save.
    Training AdministratorUsers who can assign courses and learning journeys to individual training users in their organization.
    Support Administrator User Includes Case Administrator User, Service Request User, Case User, and Self-Service User access, plus the ability to create new users and manage the access for other users of your primary account.
    The Access Information section with several user types selected.
  5. If you chose Reset Password, a confirmation statement appears at the top of the page stating that the action completed successfully. The selected user has up to 24 hours to access the reset password link in the email.
  6. Select Save.

Restrict Case Users from Submitting Benefits and Payroll Cases

Focal administrators and support administrators can restrict case users from submitting Benefits and Payroll type cases via the UKG Community.

Navigation:The UKG Community

  1. From the UKG Community home page, select the profile menu > My Organization.
    The Community home page with the profile menu selected. From the drop-down, My Organization is selected.
  2. From the My Organization page, select My Organization Contacts.
    The My Organization page with My Organization Contacts highlighted.
  3. From the Contacts page, for a user, select the down arrow icon > Edit.
    The Contacts page with the down arrow icon highlighted for a user. The drop-down has an option for Edit.
  4. From the Edit Contact window, in the Restrict user from creating cases for section, select Benefits, Payroll, or both and use the right arrow to move the selected option(s) from the Available list to the Chosen list.
    Access Information section with a callout box around the Available and Chosen lists.
  5. Select Save.

    The applied restrictions will prevent the contact from being able to select Payroll and/or Benefits options as part of the Job Category picklist options. For example, if Payroll is selected as a Chosen restriction, the contact will not have the Payroll option from the Create a Case form, therefore restricting the Product Solution options that can be selected.

    Create a Case page with a callout box around Reporting and Analytics at the field asking for the job category for this item.

    Use this same process to update the contact's restrictions.

Remove UKG Community Contacts

Focal administrators and support administrators can remove contacts from the UKG Community.

Navigation:The UKG Community

  1. From the UKG Community home page, select the profile menu > My Organization.
    The Community home page with the profile menu selected. From the drop-down, My Organization is selected.
  2. From the My Organization page, select My Organization Contacts.
    The My Organization page with My Organization Contacts highlighted.
  3. From the Contacts page, for a user, select the down arrow icon > Edit.
    The Contacts page with the down arrow icon highlighted for a user. The drop-down has an option for Edit.
  4. From the Edit Contact window, in the Verification Status section, select Contact No Longer Exists.
    The Edit Contact window with the Verification Status Section highlighted.The Edit Contact window with the Disposition contact options open. Contact No Longer Exists is selected.
  5. Select Save.
    The contact no longer has access to the UKG Community.

Add UKG Community Contacts

Focal administrators and support administrators can add contacts to the UKG Community.

Navigation:The UKG Community

  1. From the UKG Community home page, select the profile menu > My Organization.
    The Community home page with the profile menu selected. From the drop-down, My Organization is selected.
  2. From the My Organization page, select My Organization Contacts.
    The My Organization page with My Organization Contacts highlighted.
  3. From the Contacts page, select New.
    The Contacts page with New highlighted.
  4. Enter the required information:
    • At the Name field, enter a first and last name.
    • At the Email field, enter an email.
      Note The email must have a company email domain. Non-company emails are not allowed.
    • At the Title field, enter a title.
    • In the Access Information section, select levels of access.
    The New Contact window with example information.
  5. Select Save.
    Note If the contact already exists, a warning message appears. To view the existing contact, select View Duplicates.
    The New Contact window with the duplicate record warning message. The View Duplicates link is highlighted.

    To view the contact's page, select Open This Contact.

    The View Duplicates window with Open This Contact highlighted.

    From the contact's page, select Edit to update the contact's information. To send the contact a welcome email with UKG Community login details, select the appropriate levels of access and save the changes.

    An example contact page with Edit highlighted.
    When a new contact is added, a welcome email from the UKG Community will be sent to the email you provided. A link to create the password is provided in the email.

Add Focal Administrators

Every organization should have at least one support administrator or focal administrator user.

  1. If your organization has a focal administrator user, they can create an admin case. If your organization does not have a focal administrator user, create a support case.
  2. Attach a letter to the admin case or support case. The letter must meet the following requirements:
    • The letter must use the organization letterhead.
    • The letter must be signed by an officer or C-level employee at your organization.
    • The letter must request that "said individual" be assigned as a focal administrator user.

Find Product Resources

You can access product resources using the home page, the navigation, and the search. These resources can provide you with essential information about your UKG products.

My Products

Resources are organized by product. You can learn the names of your UKG products on the home page.

Note The My Products tab only includes products that are live, not products that are in launch. If you have questions, contact your project manager.
  1. From the home page, select the My Products tab.The Community home page with the My Products tab highlighted
  2. Review the report with the list of products.


Use the search bar to find the following resources: discussions, groups, ideas, knowledge articles, product documentation, cases, and people.

You can filter search results by resource type and product solution. Some resource types can be additionally filtered:
  • If you select Case, the Case Product Family filters appear

  • If you select Knowledge Article, the Knowledge Article Type filters appear

  • If you select Product Documentation, the Product Documentation Type filters appear

By default, the Only Show Product Platforms I Own filter is on. To view resources for additional products, turn off the Only Show Product Platforms I Own filter. An example search with the Only Show Product Platforms I Own setting set to on.

Resource Types

The following table includes the available resource types. Understanding the different resource types can help you narrow your search and find the results you're looking for.

Resource Type Created ByDescriptionActions
CaseUKG Community membersA request for support submitted by a customer to UKG
Note Your permissions determine the cases you can access. You can submit an additional access request to your administrator to update your permissions.
  • Follow
DiscussionUKG Community membersA question or post that other members can interact with – these can be found in groups and topics
  • Like and follow
  • Mute
  • Comment
  • Bookmark
IdeasUKG Community membersSuggested updates to UKG products and services
  • Add
  • Vote
  • Follow
Knowledge ArticleUKGPublications that typically address specific product questions
  • Subscribe
  • Favorite
Product DocumentationUKGPublications created by UKG that have been reviewed for accuracy (includes job aids, guides, and reference materials)
  • Bookmark using your browser
GroupAreas to discuss specific topics, products, or industries
  • Join
  • Ask a question
  • Post
  • Poll
PeopleUKG Community members
  • Follow
  • Message

Learn Product Pages

Learn product pages bring together all relevant resources organized by product solutions. Learn product pages direct you to Library documentation, release information, training, help articles, groups, and more.

To access product learning pages, from the top navigation bar, select Learn .The Community top navigation bar with Learn highlighted.


If you want to find learning events such as webinars and knowledge hours, go to the Events page. From the Events page, you can register for upcoming events.

The Community Events page

HR and Payroll Resource Library

The HR and Payroll Resource Library is a third-party research tool where you can find up-to-date international, state, and local compliance content and industry news.

From the home page, in the Resources section, select HR and Payroll Resource Library.The Community home page with the HR and Payroll Resource Library highlighted.

Knowledge Articles

Knowledge articles are published by UKG and provide specific information. For more in-depth information about a product or feature, review product documentation.

You can select Favorite on an article to favorite an article, subscribe to an article, and manage your favorite articles list.An example article with the Favorites expanded.

Favorite an Article

To save an article you find useful, you can favorite it. You can only access the favorites list from an article.

  1. Select an article.
  2. Select Favorites.
  3. Select Favorite. The article is now available from My Favorites.

Subscribe to an Article

To receive update email notifications for an article, you can subscribe to it.

  1. Select an article.
  2. Select Favorites.
  3. Select Subscribe. You are now subscribed and receive email notifications when the article is updated.

Manage Article Favorites

From any article, you can access a list of your favorites and manage your favorites list.

  1. Select an article.
  2. Select Favorites.
  3. Select Manage Favorites. The Edit Favorites window appears.
  4. From the Edit Favorites window, you can:
    1. Access a list of your favorite articles
    2. Remove articles from your favorites
    3. Rename the articles in your list
  5. Select Done.

Find Answers

If you need input from other members, you can ask your UKG Community peers a question.

If you ask a question and get a great response from another member, select a best answer.

Ask a Question

You can ask your peers a question in the UKG Community. As you enter text in the question form, you are provided potential answers in existing articles.

  1. Select Ask the Community. A window appears with the question form and the suggested articles list.The Community home page with Ask the Community highlighted.
  2. Complete the question form.
    1. Select where you want to post the question.
    2. Enter your question.
    3. Optionally, provide additional details.
    4. Optionally, upload files.
    Note As you complete the question form, the View Suggested Articles list updates, providing existing articles that may answer your question.
    The Ask the Community Question form.
  3. Once you have completed the question form, check to see if any of the suggested resources answer your question. If not, select Ask. The question is then assigned to a group based on your selections, which ensures that the questions gets in front the members with the knowledge to answer it.

Select the Best Answer

If you get a great response to your question, you can select the best answer. Only you can select the best answer for your question.

An example question with Select as Best highlighted for a response.

Marking the best answer moves the response to the top, where it is highly visible to other members.

An example question with the Best Answer selected.

Engage in Discussions

Discussions include questions and posts, which can be found on member profiles, groups, and learn product pages. Discussions are a good way to connect with knowledgeable peers, learn and stay up to date.

You can like and comment on posts. When you select the drop-down icon, you can mute, bookmark, and flag posts.An example post with the drop-down open, showing the bookmark, edit topics, flag, and mute options.

Like and Follow Posts

When you like a post, you receive update email notifications. You can also like comments on a post.

  1. Go to a post.
  2. Select Like. You are now following the post and receive email notifications when the post is updated.

Comment on Posts

If you want to respond to a post, you can leave a comment. You can also reply to other comments on a post.

  1. Go to a post.
  2. Select Comment.
  3. Enter text. Optionally, you can format the text and attach a file.
  4. Select Comment. You will receive email notifications when new comments are added.

Bookmark Posts

You can bookmark posts to easily access them later. When you bookmark a post, it appears on the My Bookmarks list on the home page.

  1. Go to a post.
  2. Select the drop-down icon.
  3. Select Bookmark. The post now appears in the My Bookmarks tab on the home page.

Flag a Post

If a post does not meet the UKG Community guidelines, you can report it for a moderator to review. You can also flag comments on a post.

  1. Go to a post.
  2. Select the drop-down icon.
  3. Select Flag. The What's wrong? window appears.
  4. From the What's wrong? window, select an option to indicate the issue.
  5. Optionally, enter a note for the moderator.
  6. Select Save.

Mute Posts

If you no longer want to receive email notifications for a post, you can mute the post.

  1. Go to a post.
  2. Select the drop-down icon.
  3. Select Mute. You no longer receive email notifications when the post is updated.

Engage with Groups

Groups allow you to connect and collaborate about specific topics, such as product and industry. You can use groups to engage with other members and receive critical product alerts.

To find a group, use the search. To browse a list of groups, select Groups from the top navigation bar.

To view groups you belong to, from the home page, select the My Groups tab.

The Community home page with the My Groups tab highlighted.

Join a Group

When you join a group, the group updates appear in your feed.

  1. Select a group.
  2. From the group page, select Join Group.

Update Group Notifications

You can control the frequency of the email notifications you receive from a group.

  1. Select a group.
  2. From the group page, select Manage Notifications. The Manage Notifications window appears.
  3. From the Manage Notifications window, select an email notification frequency:
    • Every Post

    • Daily Digest

    • Weekly Digest

    • Limited (no emails)

Ask a Question in a Group

You can ask a question directly in a group to get responses from the appropriate members. For example, if you want to know how other customers use a product, you can ask a question in a group that focuses on that product.

Before you ask a question in a group, be sure to review product resources and search previous posts in the group. The answer you're looking for may already be available.
  1. Select a group.
  2. From the group page, go to Feed tab > Question tab.
  3. From the Question tab, select Ask.
  4. Enter a question. Optionally, add details.
  5. Select Ask. The question now appears in the group and other group members can respond.

Post in a Group

If you want to share information or resources with a group, you can make a post. If you want answers to a specific question, ask a question rather than make a post.

  1. Select a group.
  2. From the group page, go to Feed tab > Post tab.
  3. From the Post tab, enter text.
  4. Select Share.

Poll a Group

If you want to know how members of a group respond to a question from a list of options, you can create a poll. Members can still like and comment on polls to provide more feedback.

  1. Select a group.
  2. From the group page, go to Feed tab > Poll tab.
  3. From the Poll tab, enter a question and choices. Optionally, add more choices.
  4. Select Ask.

Engage with Ideas

From the Ideas portal, you can submit, comment on, and vote for new features and enhancements to UKG products and services. You can even submit enhancement ideas for the UKG Community itself.

To access the ideas portal, from the top navigation bar, select Explore > Ideas. Select an idea to view the details and comments from other members.The Community home page with Explore highlighted in the top navigation bar.

Add an Idea

If you have a suggestion for how we can improve our products, services, or community, submit an idea. Before you add an idea, check for similar ideas that already exist in the ideas portal.

Navigation:Explore > Ideas

  1. Select Add a New Idea.
  2. Select a product.
  3. Enter a title. Similar ideas will be suggested. If the same idea is suggested, vote on the existing idea instead of creating a new idea.
  4. Enter details and success criteria.
  5. Select a category.
  6. Select Add Idea.

Vote on an Idea

If you want to support an idea, you can vote for it. Voting lets UKG know that the idea is important to you. When you vote for an idea, you are subscribed to it and will receive notifications if the idea is updated.

Navigation:Explore > Ideas

  1. Select an idea.
  2. Select Vote. You are now subscribed to the idea and will receive notifications of updates.

Comment on an Idea

If you want to engage in conversation about an idea, you can comment.

Navigation:Explore > Ideas

  1. Select an idea.
  2. Select Add a comment.
  3. Enter text.
  4. Select Post comment.

Idea Point Threshold and Statuses

Once an idea reaches the minimum point threshold based on the amount of votes, the product management team reviews the idea and updates the status. The status indicates if the idea will be added to the product roadmap.

The minimum point threshold helps us manage the volume of ideas we receive from the UKG Community. An idea does not have to reach a minimum point threshold to get put on the roadmap.

When ideas are submitted, they can have one of the following statuses:
  • Under Point Threshold: The idea has not received enough votes to meet the minimum point threshold (ideas have this status until they reach the minimum point threshold)

  • Needs Review: The idea is being reviewed by the product management team

  • Clarification Needed: The idea has been reviewed by the product management team and more information or clarification is needed

Once an idea has been reviewed by the product management team, the status is updated to one of the following:
  • Future Consideration: The idea may be considered for a future release

  • Planned: The idea is currently under development and is targeted for general availability

  • Delivered: The idea has been delivered and is generally available

  • Existing Functionality: The idea already exists in the product

  • Not Currently Planned: The idea is not under consideration for our roadmap
    Note An idea with the Not Currently Planned status can still receive votes and may move out of this status.

Manage Community Profile and Notifications

You can update your UKG Community profile and customize your notification preferences. To access your profile, settings, organization, messages, and requests, select your name from the top navigation bar.

The Community home page with the name selected from the top navigation bar.

Update Community Profile

You can update your UKG Community profile. Your profile includes your contact information, profile picture, and any additional information you want to share with other members.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your name > My Profile > Edit. The Edit User window appears.
  2. From the Edit User window, you can update your personal information and contact information.
  3. Select Save.

Update Settings

From your settings, you can select how often you want to be notified and how much of your information is visible in the UKG Community.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select your name > My Settings.
  2. From the My Settings page, you can:
    • Change your password
    • Set your community profile visibility
    • Select your email notification preferences for the UKG Community and UKG
  3. Select Save.

Create and Manage Cases

In the UKG Community, if you have access, you can create and manage cases to engage with our support teams.

For information about how to manage cases for Partners, review the Case Creation and Case Management for Partners job aid.

Create a Case

Create a case in the UKG Community to get support for your issue. Before creating a case, be sure to complete the recommended training and search our product documentation, knowledge articles, and community discussions for answers.

Note If you do not have access to create a case or need access to view all cases for your account, you can request additional access. For more information, refer to the Request Additional Access in the UKG Community job aid in the UKG Community Library.

Navigation:UKG Community > Services and Support

  1. From the Welcome to UKG Services and Support page, select Create Case.
    Note Alternatively, you can select your username, and then select Contact Support.
  2. If you are associated with multiple accounts, select your Account from the drop-down list.
  3. For Do you need help with creating a UKG Pro Tax & Payment Services Case?, select one of the following options:
    • If you need to open a case for UKG Pro Tax and Payment Services, select Yes.
    • If you do not need to open a case for UKG Pro Tax and Payment Services, select No.
  4. Select your Contact Name from the drop-down list.
    Note Your name appears by default. Administrators can select an alternate contact for the case, if needed.
  5. Select the appropriate Job Category from the drop-down list.
    Note The available values in the Job Category drop-down list are based on the products available for the account you selected.
  6. Select the appropriate Product Solution from the drop-down list.
    Note The available values in the Product Solution drop-down list are based on the solutions associated with the job category you selected. For example, if you selected the Payroll job category, the payroll solutions associated with your account appear in the list.
  7. Select the appropriate Primary Area from the drop-down list.
    Note The available values in the Primary Area drop-down list are based on the areas associated with the job category and solution you selected. For example, if you selected the Payroll job category and the UKG Pro solution, the areas associated with UKG Pro payroll appear in the list.
  8. At Issue Summary, provide a brief summary. Be sure to include relevant details or vital information about the issue.
    For example, "Access issue" doesn't provide information about the type of access issue. "Can't log into Community" provides more information that can help us direct the case to the correct person more quickly.
  9. At Issue Description, enter a full description of your issue. If you are creating the case for another person, be sure to enter their name (but no other PII) in the description.
  10. Review all Recommended Solutions, which display adjacent to the case details, for a possible resolution.
  11. Select Upload Files if you want to provide accompanying documentation that will be helpful in resolving your case.
  12. Select Submit. Your case will be routed to an internal support representative, who will contact you if further information is needed.
    Create a Case

Manage a Case

You can manage open cases in the UKG Community to view information about the current status, communicate with the case owner, and accept or reject a resolution.

Navigation:UKG Community

  1. From the Welcome page, use one of the following methods to navigate to the appropriate case:
    • To search for a specific case, in the UKG Community search bar, enter the appropriate Keyword or Case Number, and then press Enter.
      Note If you are a UKG Pro Payment Services customer, the Case Number that appears in the search results may not match the Case Number you received by email after opening the case. If the numbers don't match, verify that the subject of the case is correct. If the subject is correct, then you found the correct case.
      Search results for a case number on the UKG Community
    • To view all available cases, from the Navigation bar, select Services and Support, and then select Manage Cases from the Support box.
      Tip You can use the fields in the Search Cases section to filter the table by owner, Solution ID, Contact Name, and Date Range. To sort the cases that appear in the table in ascending or descending order, select a column header.
      The Manage My Requests page on the UKG Community
  2. Select an open case to manage.
    The Case Detail page displays. A progress bar appears above the case details with the current status highlighted.
  3. (Optional) Select the Show More icon beside the progress bar to view more information about the current status.
    A progress bar for a case
  4. (Optional) Use the Feed, Related, and Case Details tabs to communicate with the case owner.
    • Select the Feed tab to post updates and read comments from the case owner.
      Note If you need to close a case that is not in the Resolved Pending Confirmation status, you can post a comment on the Feed tab. The case owner will close the case for you.
      A screenshot of the Feed tab with comments
    • Select the Related tab to access or share files, emails, and articles.
    • Select the Case Details tab to view all the case details.
      A screenshot of the case details tab
  5. When your case is in the Resolved Pending Confirmation status, review the most recent feed post from the case owner, and then select the Case Resolution button below the progress bar to accept or reject the resolution:
    A screenshot of a case in the Resolved Pending Confirmation Status with the Case Resolution button highlighted
    Important If you do not accept or reject the resolution, the case will automatically close on the date specified in the Auto Close Date field on the Details tab.
    1. To accept the resolution, in the Case Resolution Disposition dialog box, select Accept from the drop-down list, and then select Save.
      After you accept the resolution, your case updates to the Closed status and you cannot add additional comments or edit the case in the UKG Community. If needed, you can call support to reopen the case within 14 days of accepting the resolution.
    2. To reject the resolution, in the Case Resolution Disposition dialog box, select Reject from the drop-down list, and then select Save.
      After you reject the resolution, the case status reverts to the Awaiting UKG Response status and a support representative will further review your case.
  6. To let UKG know that a case needs immediate attention, complete one of the following actions:
    • In the case summary, indicate that the issue is urgent.​ In the issue description, include details to help us understand the priority.
      Note Urgent or business critical cases can include, but are not limited to, mass impacts and no available work arounds (indirectly impacting nearing payroll deadlines, financial impacts, and cease in business flow operations).
    • Use the support center telephone number to speak to a specialist, who can increase the urgency for you.